Car make | Chrysler |
Car model | Sebring |
Car year | 2003 |
VIN number |
1C3EL75T73N557217 |
VIN code | 1C3EL75T73N |
Anti-lock braking | Non-ABS | 4-Wheel ABS |
Fuel consumption-city | 21 miles/gallon |
Damage record | |
Steering mechanism | R&P |
Rear Brake | Disc |
Suspension type (rear) | Ind |
Coil spring type | Coil |
Tires | 205/60R16 |
Exterior color | Brilliant Black Crystal with Black Vinyl Top |
Wheelbase | 106.00 in. |
Basic-distance | 36,000 mile |
Sale record | |
Powertrain-distance | 70,000 mile |
Rust-duration | 60 month |
Driver Airbag | Yes |
Alloy Wheels | Yes |
Fuel Economy-city | 21 miles/gallon |
Rear Legroom | 35.20 in. |
Rear Headroom | 37.00 in. |
Front Legroom | 42.40 in. |
Rear Shoulder Room | 48.90 in. |
Overall Height | 55.00 in. |
Lien record | |
Track Front | 60.20 in. |
Passenger Volume | 90.30 cu.ft. |
Tires | 205/60R16 |
Maximum Towing | 1000 lbs |
Exterior Color | Brilliant Black Crystal with Black Vinyl Top |
Front Spring Type | Coil |
Rear Brake Type | Disc |
Rear Suspension | Ind |
Anti-Brake System | Non-ABS | 4-Wheel ABS |
ABS Brakes | Option |
Splash Guards | Option |
Vehicle Anti-Theft | Option |
Steering Type | R&P |
Power Windows | Yes |
Steering Wheel Mounted Controls | Yes |
Interval Wipers | Yes |
Power Door Locks | Yes |
Trunk Anti-Trap Device | Yes |
Rear Window Defogger | Yes |
Tachometer | Yes |