VIN length exceeded

Complete VIN history of XTS, Cadillac 2016 2G61N5S3DG9176379

Car make Cadillac
Car model XTS
Car year 2016
VIN number 2G61N5S3DG9176379
VIN code2G61N5S3DG9
Fuel consumption-highway 26 miles/gallon
Steering mechanism R&P
Damage record
Front Brake Disc
Suspension type (front) Ind
Leaf spring type Coil
Overall Length 202.00 in.
Basic-duration 48 month
Powertrain-duration 72 month
Fuel Economy-highway 26 miles/gallon
Front Headroom 39.00 in.
Sale record
Front Hip Room 55.10 in.
Overall Height 59.10 in.
Rear Spring Type Coil
Front Brake Type Disc
Front Suspension Ind
First Aid Kit Option
Steering Type R&P
AM/FM Radio Yes
Power Door Locks Yes
Leather Seat Yes
Lien record
Steering Wheel Mounted Controls Yes
Child Safety Door Locks Yes
For the last 6 months, 2016 XTS - Cadillac has been considered problem vehicle. If you plan to purchase this model in particular, makes sure to check its VIN history